Best Ways To Stop Overthinking
Remember that day when you didn't have a single thought yeah neither does anyone else we are perpetual thinkers it's a non-stop habit you generate about 70,000 thoughts per day what are these thoughts all about are they helping you live the life that you want to live or are they making you feel less about yourself and others today we find out how you can stop overthinking and finally get your mind on your side first it begins with awareness you must actually become aware of what is going on inside your head and that sounds simple enough but many of us never even realize that there's some negative stuff happening out there and instead we choose to act like everything is okay are you over thinking are you thinking negatively well admit it because otherwise you won't change a thing self-improvement begins with self-acceptance
When you actually make it clear to yourself that you don't like what's going on and you begin to be aware of it now you can start to make a real change you can keep a thought journal writing down your thoughts as they come up at least the more noticeable ones even if they're negative it'll help you to start to get an overview of what's happening in your mind and after this it'll be much easier to make the changes you want to make because you'll know what's actually going on secondly use meditation yeah use it not meditate because it's good for you and you should meditate because it'll actually help you get what you want when you train your mind with a simple technique like focusing on your breathing for 10 minutes per day and pulling it back every time it gets distracted you start to gain power over your mind understand also that if you do not train your mind it is guaranteed to run wild on you like a crazy chimp it'll mess up your state of mind and in the end it'll even mess up your life so control it use meditation because it works and don't be discouraged if you can't seem to stay focused in the beginning simply stay disciplined and continue to practice this is one of the very best and most effective ways to beat overthinking
It will absolutely work for you as long as you stay with it another way that you can train your mind quickly is by really focusing on the daily tasks and activities that you're engaged in being fully present and aware as you're doing them and not getting caught up by the noise in your head when you're walking outside breathe the air and pay attention to your environment don't let yourself walk around unconsciously and stuck in your own head even if you're doing something as simple as watching a video actually watch the video and tune out the noise going on upstairs in the mind we get so used to our daily activities after a while that you may notice you're thinking constantly chances are that if you've been doing it for a few years this effect has really kicked in and you're just in a constant stream of thought that's also why it's great to go and try new things do different activities that you've never done before because it will force your mind to become present like the first time you're learning to drive a car or climbing a massive mountain because your mind will have to engage that really is the key right there forcing your mind to engage because it usually will not engage on its own just because you want to be present doesn't mean that your mind is going to engage because it's based off of whether or not it's not - Cerie in order for you to perform now thirdly you have to separate yourself from your thoughts this goes hand-in-hand with training your mind but the only time that our thoughts can do us any real harm is when we identify with them when we begin to think that we are the thought that voice in your head is exactly that a voice you can control it you can shape it and when you begin to understand this you gain massive power over it you can use your thinking to help you be productive and get closer to your goals but if you let it run on autopilot it is very likely that your life won't turn out the way that you want it to so it's very important to always steer your thoughts in the right direction and that's why it's so important to actually know what's going on in your mind and that's why the self-awareness was the first step one technique that has served me extremely well over the years is that anytime I became aware of a negative thought I would redirect it by saying how can I change this into something that helps me instead of something that holds me back this one simple change done on a daily basis has led me to a place of close to no negative thoughts and I came from a place of depression and anxiety so it was extremely hard to overcome but when you're constantly redirecting and you really get into the habit of reshaping your thoughts and steering them in the direction that you want you will actually feel like you're in control of what's going on and before you know it you are using your mind to get what you want instead of it using you and making you feel terrible about yourself and struggle remember that overthinking especially if it's negative is actually a bad habit so by implementing these 3 keys that we've just gone over you'll be able to become aware of your thoughts begin to control them and also separate yourself from the nonstop stream that goes through your so go ahead now leave a comment down below what have you been over thinking about I'd love to hear from you and I always reply if you haven't already subscribe to the channel today to become a champion and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it other than that I hope you'll have an awesome day I'll catch you champions on the next one
People have no energy because mental diarrhea. You eat bad food and then try to stop diarrhea, it's not going to work. This much you do. Tonight, before you go to bed, keep it down and go to bed. In a little while, if you simply sit here, things around you will reverberate. Is it possible to do it without using specific mudras, whatever? Yes. These are all small help, little assistance. You don't see a Shiva or a Krishna holding mudra and sitting like this, (Gestures) simply intense.
Nor will you ever see me sitting like this. (Gestures) No. You will not see me practicing Shambhavi or this or that. If I just close my eyes for 20 seconds, I'm done. I am ready for the day. So these are all… This is all good help. But is it the only way to do it? No. You can simply sit. If you learn to simply sit, you'll become tremendously intense. Right now, your energy is simply expended by doing unnecessary endless activity. When you have so much mental diarrhea, how can you have energy? Suppose you have diarrhea, do you see how weak you feel? (Laughter) Yes or no? Right now this mental diarrhea, that's why people have no energy.
They want to just eat and sleep all the time because mental diarrhea, it's very exhausting. (Laughs) If you have physical diarrhea, you know how exhausting it is. Yes? This is also equally exhausting. People are sleeping eight hours - ten hours a day not because they are working so much or their body is in such a bad state. It's just mental diarrhea. If you stop the mental diarrhea, there's enough energy to make this (Referring to oneself) very, very intense. Now "How do I stop mental diarrhea?" If you have diarrhea… physical diarrhea, what is the first thing to do? Hmm? What? Participants: (Unclear) Yes, run to the toilet, I know that. (Laughter) I am saying (Laughs) as a corrective measure, what is the first thing you do? No, as a corrective measure what is the first thing you do? First thing is stop eating, right? Yes or no? Diarrhea means in some way we've eaten something that the body doesn't want. It's trying to throw it out. Yes? You have taken something inside which the body doesn't like. It wants to throw it out. First thing is stay away from food for some time.
You eat bad food and then try to stop diarrhea, it's not going to work. So similarly, bad food for the mind is just this. You have gotten identified with things that you are not. The moment you get identified with things that you are not, mental diarrhea is inevitable. It's bad food for the mind – now it will run endlessly, do what you want. You do any damn meditation, you say Shiva, Rama, it's not going to stop. (Laughs) It's not stopped, isn't it? Because bad food is being eaten. Every day you're getting identified with more and more things and you want to stop your mind. You do whatever kind of circus, it is not going to stop. If you dis-identify with everything – if you understand "what is you" and "what is not you," if you keep a little distance from that, mind will become still. If you want you can use it, otherwise you can keep it. Now my hand is there, if I want I can move it, otherwise I can keep it. This's a useful hand. Suppose it starts jumping like this, (Gestures) you clearly know there is some kind of an ailment, isn't it? Yes or no? So if hand is jumping, you know it's an ailment. If mind is jumping, is it an ailment or no? Participant: Yes. Ahh. The ailment has come because continuous wrong diet.
You tell your mind, that "I am this, I am this, I am that, I am that," it's having diarrhea. You stop giving it wrong food. If you clearly see, what… Even if you do not know "what is me," at least you know "what is not me," isn't it? This much you do. Tonight, before you go to bed, sit on your bed and sit down and discount everything that is not you. This house in which you are living, is this me? No. This loving parent or mother, father, wife or husband or child, they are wonderful, but is this me? No. Now this nice clothes I am wearing, is this me? No. Now my body, I like it but is this me? No. Now I'm having so many thoughts, is this me? No. Now I am having wonderful emotion, is this me? No. Like this, everything that's not you, before you sleep, keep it down and go to bed. Tomorrow morning, you will wake up considerably more intense than today. Every day you do it. In a little while, if you simply sit here, things around you will reverberate, really. A few years ago… couple of years ago I was in America and this is a very typically American question – this lady (Laughs) comes up to me and she's very angry. "I have been doing this yoga for last 35 years, nothing happened. But you went and just sat on a rock and things happened to you. (Laughter) This is not fair. Where is that damn rock?" (Laughter) She thinks it's the rock which did it. (Laughter) The only sadhana that I did in my life is, right from my very early age, though I was very actively involved with everybody around me, I never identified myself with my parents or my siblings or my endless number of friends or the society or the religion or the country or anything around me – never identified, not that I was not involved. I was very involved, very active.
Even today I am very active and involved but not identified. If you don't identify with anything, there is enough energy in this (Referring to oneself) to become intense. See I want you to understand, your life energy right now in this body, how many things it's doing here as you're sitting here! Hello, do you know the complexity of activity it is doing? Every cell in the body, your liver, your kidney, your damn spleen and all kinds of stupid things that we cannot even figure even today, yes? Just see as you sit here, how many things this energy is doing. Obviously it must be intense to do all this. You are not able to experience it because of diarrhea. (Few laugh) Tch... When you have a diarrhea, (Gestures) that's how you feel, isn't it? Yes or no? So that's how it is. Stop the diarrhea, stop eating bad food, diarrhea will stop. Once diarrhea stops, there's enough energy in this to sit here and reverberate in a very intense way.